A World Without Photosynthesis


Processes of Photosynthesis

  1. In plants,the process begins when it rains and when we breath out carbon dioxide.It takes the carbon dioxide through the leaves and the water through the roots of the plant.They then mix together in the chloroplast where light is trapped.
  2. The mixture of the two substances called the glucose,a simple sugar,and give off oxygen so things can breathe. Then it takes the carbon dioxide in return and takes in water so the process can continue.
  3. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make food.Light energy is converted to chemical energy and is stored in the food made in green plants.The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll.
  4. As well as energy,photosynthesis is also the source of the carbon in all organic compounds within organisms bodies.In all , photosynthesis organsims convert around 100,000,000,000 tonnes of carbon into biomass per year. 

The importance of Photosynthesis

  1. Photosynthesis provides us with oxygen to breath in.
  2. Photosynthesis is when the energy from the sunlight is combined with chlorophyll to form sugar and is how plants get energy and we get energy when we feed on them.
  3. Without photosynthesis,all of the energy from the sun would be wasted,and there wouldn't be any living things on earth.
  4. The level of carbon dioxide depends on the process of photosynthesis.
  5. The process of Photosynthesis affects the number of plants and trees we have on earth.If there was no process of photosynthesis,there will be no plants and trees around us.
  6. Photosynthesis is directly related to the other living creatures on earth.It does not just supply us with oxygen and being alive would be difficult if photosynthesis was not carried out by the plants and trees around us.

How will it affect the plants and animals if there is not photosynthesis

Animals and plants will die because there is no photosynthesis and no air.They cannot continue their kind and it will be extinct.
